Friday, March 25, 2011

A warm & cozy home is what I have been longing for~

I want a king size bed and walk in wardrobe for our master bed room, I want to turn and decorate Sean’s room into a mini playhouse for him to play, sleep and learn in it. I got so much ideas and plan in my mind now on how I want to decorate my own house in future. And yes, finally my dream comes true, I’m gonna have my own house in 3-4years times. Haha. Just receive the email few days back stating that BbHus & I gotten the queue number for SengKang BTO. At the point of time, I thought that I’m dreaming but after double confirming it with BbHus then I realized I’m not dreaming, IT’S TRUE. Haha.  

After a few failed attempts the previous time, I had already given up on it. Because from what I know is our chances of getting a new flat/unit is quite low, as currently BbHus still have a unit/flat on hands. But, we are lucky this time round. Haha. We managed to get a queue number for SengKang BTO and BbHus said that he is 100% sure that this time round we confirm will have a unit to stay in. Haha. 

Simply can’t wait for April to arrive, BbHus say we going to receive the floor plan and unit number catalogue next month for us to choose. Haha. I think BbHus is more excited than me, he spend hours looking at the map and floor plan of the flat and google about fengshui to see which block or unit is the best for us to stay. He is behaving like an old man! Haha. But I know he meant well too. Okay, that’s all for today! Goodbye~